We talked for a long time about getting mother-daughter tattoos. We thought it would be a bonding experience before she left for college, and we looked at everything from arrows to infinity symbols trying to find “our thing.” It just never happened, and then she started college last fall.
After going through a very rough patch the second semester, she said, “Mom I think I want to get, “you are enough,” tattooed on my arm as a reminder when I go through difficult things. I love to write and immediately asked her if it could be in my handwriting. She loved the idea, and it morphed into her handwriting the same quote which I, in turn, had tattooed on my wrist… let the bonding commence.
It hurts. I’m just saying. I love that we did it. I love what it represents. I have a whole new respect for those who have full sleeves tattooed on their arms. I am uncertain I will ever fully “get you,” but alas, I admire your grit. As I was thinking about the whole experience this morning what I thought was, in the middle of dark seasons, I am glad my daughter has this reminder on her arm. I love that it says she is enough, I love that it’s in my handwriting, but I also realized I am far more at peace that she knows of the depth of the power of God that is far beyond me, or beyond anything that sits on the surface. If I am a voice calling from a boat to “just keep swimming,” I know He is the depth of an ocean of water beneath her, holding her up, allowing her to float, requiring her to swim and tread and trust. I know these are the things he uses to help us grow, gain muscle, wisdom, even find healing. So many times it doesn’t seem to make sense, this process, and as a mom, it’s tough to watch your kid swimming in the middle of a storm. It requires trust on our part too.

There are many voices on the surface causing us to question how we measure up. But we have to go deeper to the true depth of who we are. We cannot live on the surface or we will never understand our full value. There are those with tools I have never seen that have measured the depths of the ocean at 14,000 feet and more. I’m not sure I can fully wrap my mind around that depth, yet I believe this to be an accurate measurement and have incredible respect for the enormity of it. I believe in God in this same way. I don’t feel like I can ever seem to wrap my mind around him fully. But the force and power and enormity of who He is to me leaves me completely awestruck.

On the surface of my daughter’s arm is a quote that whispers keep going, you have everything you need, you are enough. Under the surface of that arm, is life surging in veins carrying fully coded individualized DNA that is evidence of a strategic plan and purpose the depth of which I have the utmost respect for and that is what I want her to remember when she sees this new message. Depth of faith is an endless source, trust that everything you need is already inside you.